Monday, February 23, 2009

Building the Coop

Well envisioning it, rather. We are going to build the coop off an existing 1940s shed on our property. Yes, it's sinking into the earth but I have been reassured it can be jacked up and revitalized. It matches the house - yellow with dark green doors and trim.

Here are the dimensions for our coop builders...


Back of shed:

Window dimensions:

And here is the coop envisioned:

Oooh.... I am so excited.

Apparently we need about 2 sq feet INSIDE per bird. With 10 birds, we need at least 20 sq feet. For the outside, the gurus at Drumlin Farm recommend 8 sq feet per bird. Which makes for a rather long coop.

When do we start building?


  1. IZZI. Nice photos. I am planning the COOP to be 4ft x 6 ft ie about 1/2 the length of current house. The floor, ceilings and ends will be made from plywood sheets(4x8 ft) with 2x2" stringers and supports. Windows will be "basement type" horizontal windows (swing out). Door can be reinforced plywood or other. Roof will eventually be covered with shingles as will sides if you wish. Can be all made pre-fab here in beautiful RI and then asssembled there. Can be easily built as a unit to attach to current house or to set off separately later if wanted. Posts and wire enclosure is easy to adjust to the locale; can get there; the run can go under, alongside, and/or beyond behind current house as you wish and as land conformity allows. I can build this so it will be ready to install there in April. Can do the finishing (shingles, stain, paint, details etc. later). Cock-a doodle Doo! Love, Dad

  2. Mr Califano,
    I am very much looking forward to working with you on this project! Thank you for taking the lead on coop construction.

    It sounds like our role is going to be to get the current shed structure prepared: jacked up, fixed up--rotten boards replaced, repainted, etc. for the coop installation in April.

    We will have to coordinate on the date for our coop raising in April. What fun.

